Officer Candidates School
Officer Candidates School Logo
Training Command
Ductus Exemplo - Leadership by Example


The mission of Officer Candidates School (OCS) is to educate and train officer candidates in Marine Corps knowledge and skills within a controlled and challenging environment in order to evaluate and screen individuals for the leadership, moral, mental, and physical qualities required for commissioning as a Marine Corps officer.



Small Unit Leadership

A candidate conducts Small Unit Leadership Evaluation I (SULE I). Candidates are evaluated on the application of learned concepts, leadership, and...


Obstacle Course

Candidates navigate through the Obstacle Course. The purpose of the Obstacle Course is to test the candidate’s ability to negotiate obstacles using...


Commander's Brief

Candidates induct into training and meet their platoon staff aboard Officer Candidates School. Candidates have begun their training and are evaluated...


Combat Course

A candidate conducts the Combat Course. The Combat Course provides an austere environment littered with obstacles in which the candidates must...


Juniors Fartlek

Candidates conduct the Juniors Fartlek Course. The purpose of the Juniors Fartlek Course is to develop and enhance strength, stamina, and endurance...


Small Unit Leadership

A candidate conducts Small Unit Leadership Evaluation I (SULE I). Candidates are evaluated on the application of learned concepts, leadership, and...


Endurance Course

Candidates navigate through the Endurance Course. The Endurance Course includes the O course, a 3.2 Mile run, and various obstacles that would likely...


Combat Fitness Test

Candidates from Co. A and D, OCC-242, conduct the Combat Fitness Test (CFT). The CFT is one way OCS can assess the candidates' physical fitness in a...


Combat Course

A candidate conducts the Combat Course. The Combat Course provides an austere environment littered with obstacles in which the candidates must...